S3 (8V)

  • AWE Tuning - Electronic Exhaust Valve Simulators

    AWE Tuning - Electronic Exhaust Valve Simulators

    AWE Tuning - Electronic Exhaust Valve SimulatorsSince the Touring Edition Exhausts don’t require the use of the factory exhaust valves, they’re eliminated. When this happens, the ECU stores what is known as a ‘soft code’. While...
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  • AWE Tuning SwitchPath Remote System AWE Tuning SwitchPath Remote System

    AWE Tuning SwitchPath Remote System

    AWE Tuning SwitchPath Remote SystemPush-button mood control. Works with stock exhaust system Open and close exhaust valves with the push of a button from inside the cabin at any time Comes as a set of two remotes with wiring harness, control box and...
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